Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Subway Application Form...?

I'm trying to finish a subway application form, but it wont let lme continue because i Have not had any job history. So i can't lie and it wont let me write just none either. But i havent had any employment history or references. What shall I do?Subway Application Form...?
Maybe your computer locked up so try again in a few minutes or check and see if there is a continue button you have missed.Subway Application Form...?
Fill out a paper form. Or write in your school in one of the work history parts, if it really won't let you move forward. It should though, I would look on the entire form for a button that will let you move forward you are probably missing it.Subway Application Form...?
I would enter the words "No previous work experience" into the field where it wants you to enter something

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